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Do you want a web page, but don't know where to start, or just don't have enough time? Let me do it for you. I am a student of web design and am offering my services, for a small fee, as a way to get more hands on experience as I study. 

At this time I am currently designing personal pages and pages for small business who would like to establish a web presence. I am not comfortable offering much more than that at this time. Since I am a newbie at web design I feel I should not offer anyone anything I can not confidently provide. My basic desire is to have more hands on experience in designing pages.  As most of us have learned during our lives, its easier to learn something if you actually are doing it rather than just watching it be done.

Please browse through my site to learn more about what I am offering and be sure to check out my Free Graphics page!

Thanks for your interest.


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This Site Designed and Maintained by KitKatJ